Spay/Neuter Vouchers
FoM partners with MADACC to provide spay/neuter vouchers so that pet parents can avoid accidental litters - and improve their animal's overall well being.
Report Animal Cruelty
If you suspect animal mistreatment or abuse in community, please speak up. Be the voice for the voiceless. Click the link below to learn more about community resources.
Breed-Specific Legislation
Breed-specific legislation (BSL) is the blanket term for laws that either regulate or ban certain dog breeds in a misguided attempt to decrease dog attacks on humans and other animals.
Adoption Fee Sponsorships
FoM provides financial support for multiple programs throughout the year so that MADACC can reduce and/or waive adoption fees for animals in the shelter.
Emergency Medical Expenses
FoM has allocated a portion of our funding to help members of the community afford emergency medical expenses for their pet. Availability is limited and reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Community Outreach and Programs

spay/neuter vouchers
FoM works with MADACC to offer FREE spay/neuter vouchers for dogs and cats for families that do not have the funds available to do so via their standard veterinarian's office.
To qualify you must:
Live in Milwaukee County
Provide proof of low income status upon request
Be a responsible pet owner
If you have multiple animals needing spay/neuter surgery, complete one voucher per pet.
If your pet is current on their rabies vaccine, please bring proof. Otherwise, FoM will cover the cost for the vaccine to be administered on the same day as surgery.
If your pet is not currently licensed, a $12 fee will apply - FoM cannot cover this cost.

benefits of spay/neuter

breed-specific legislation (BSL)
Breed-specific legislation (BSL) is the blanket term for laws that either regulate or ban certain dog breeds in a misguided attempt to decrease dog attacks on humans and other animals. In addition to being ineffective and the cause of pain and suffering of identified 'breeds,' BSL also takes away from efforts that are proven to reduce bite incidences in communities (e.g. education, owner support, low-cost vet care, etc.) While FoM and MADACC continue to educate the public and our legislators regarding the well-documented fact that BSL does not actually improve community safety due to numerous factors, we also work to keep pet-loving families informed of rules and regulations that could impact their animals. Learn more about BSL according to the ASPCA here!
Local Breed-Specific Legislation
City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin: Chapter 78-22 of the City of Milwaukee Code of Ordinances places special requirements on owners of dogs that are one half or more American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Miniature Bull Terrier or Rottweiler. For more information, please contact MADACC. These include rules around who can handle the animal, owner education and containment requirements. Additional information can be found here or by contacting MADACC at 414-649-8640.
vaccine clinics and outreach
FoM is committed to working with MADACC to bring critical pet care services such as core vaccinations, including rabies and distemper (combo), and microchipping, at a low-cost to those in underserved areas of Milwaukee County through our Community Pet Clinics. The following low-cost core vaccines/services are provided (may vary from event-to-event):
Free vaccine administration
$12 Pet Licensing
Free Nail Trims
suspected mistreatment
If you suspect animal cruelty or neglect you should contact your local police department. If you want to report a concern about conditions or a situation that has previously or continues to occur, please contact the NON-EMERGENCY number of your local law enforcement agency and make your report.
If you live in the City of Milwaukee, and you feel an animal is not being housed or cared for properly you can also contact the Department of Neighborhood Services at 414-286-2268.
MADACC does not investigate mistreatment cases, however, we provide assistance to local law enforcement and will pick up and care for animals that are seized for violations of local and state statutes.

The Humane Society of the United States will give you up to $5,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone involved in dogfighting. Click here to learn more.

emergency medical expenses
FoM's goal is to keep animals out of MADACC and that starts with keeping them in their homes, with the families that love them.
We understand that it is not always possible to budget for the medical emergencies that come up for our pets - and we'd like to try to help! While we can't guarantee that we will have the funding available to help every request, we work with MADACC vet staff to evaluate every situation and, hopefully, provide assistance whenever possible.
Contact us today at outreach@friendsofmadacc.org.

With the support of FoM, MADACC is waiving adoption fees for all cats over the age of five months for all of 2024! We know that kittens are adorable, but perhaps consider giving an older cat a second chance at a happy home!
While MADACC always has amazing dogs available, occasionally the number coming in is WAY more than the number being adopted. To help ensure dogs are not sitting in the shelter for longer than they have to, FoM will sponsor adoption fees for certain animals. This not only gets deserving dogs into amazing homes, it also helps to fund the daily expenses and medical care associated with housing Milwaukee county strays.